Car Alarms: Remote Car starter, remote car starter, bulldog products

I recently purchased a Bulldog Deluxe 500 LCD remote care starter and keyless entry system. It appears to connect directly to the horn for the siren aspect.  My main question is that I went to two car audio "specialist" store. I asked them for their models and prices.  3x as much. I asked them about this unit and neither would install. They said there is history of starter grind and bad customer service. Do you have an opinion on Bulldog products and would you recommend I install this unit.
Thank You in advance!

I am in complete aggreement with the techs you spoke with.
The Bulldog line and they're back end support is crap.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I would not
install that system in my enemies car.

The system you buy MUST have a good installer, and
also must be a good performer. There's an old saying,
"You get what you pay for.: If it were me, I would
consider spending the extra bucks.

No a big fan of Bulldog's constant failures.
Get a decent system and have it installed right,
and leave the Bulldog to the other poor guy!

I hope this helps.