Car Alarms: black widow bw2150 alarm, black widow alarm, pontiac tempest

hi i am installing a black widow alarm in my 1990 pontiac tempest i cant seem to get the siren to chirp properly it only goes off when the car is actualy running i have the black siren wire properly grounded and the red siren wire to the brown wire to the brain of the alarm what am i doing wrong?

The alarm is not seeing a switched
ignition, which it needs to determine
weather to arm or not. You need to troubleshoot
this install and get the wiring chart for this car.

If not then hunt around untill you find the switched
wire and attatch the appropiate ignition wire
from your alarm and then get the proper
door trigger in the car to determine when the
dome light come on. This is the main way the alarm
can determine when to go off or not.

Good luck with it.