Questioni bought a 1995 ford mustang that still uses the factory keyless remote with the mustang horse on it. i'm sure whoever owned the car before put on another alarm, because it doesn't sound like it's factory. i'm having trouble getting the keyless remote to activate or deactivate the alarm and think maybe it is a bad signal. after i push it at least 15-20 times, it will unlock the doors. i've replaced the battery, so that's not the problem. is it possible that it's picking up a bad frequency or maybe needs to be rewired? any help would be greatly appreciated.
Tim Duzan
AnswerIt really depends on the unit. If it's an aftermarket system, try to ID it at so
you can find a bit of history on it. They go by
the FCC ID on the back of the transmitter.
From experience though, if you have already tried
a new battery, and no joy, I would make an
educated guess and tell you that unless you are
married to having this alarm with the Pony on
the remote, you need to bring your security
and convenience system up to present day specs.
(I would suggest this in any case really.
TOO easy to steal your car!)
Let me know what you find at remotes unlimited, and
if it's aftermarket as you suspect, then we may
be able to work with it. If however it's
Ford's "OEM" keyless, then you might as well get
an aftermarket alarm that you can count on.
It would be a better, cheaper alternative.