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I have a dodge caravan with an Audioxox Pro9146-a possibly with a Pro9156 starter cut relay. Transmitters don't work. Possibly, something else in the system is fried as well. It has a valet switch that won't work 98% of the time. I have been able to use valet mode occaisionally. Have tried to disconnect all connections to the box, and still won't start. After disconnecting battery several times, I can get it to start in valet. Sometimes when connecting battery cable, it starts cranking by itself. Then have to let it sit disconnected for up to half an hour before trying again.
This system is a PARASITE! How can I be rid of it once and for all! Is there any way to completely remove this PARASITE!?
Answer -
Ok, find the Yellow wire in the ignition switch harness
and then locate the starter kill relay on same.
Now cut this relay out, and re-attatch
the 2 ends of the yellow wire.
No more starter kill.
I tried as you suggested and still the problem is not solved. Connected the wires together, no luck. Guess I'll have to take it in to have this removed. I know in the future, next vehicle will NOT have any alarms, etc. The less electronics seems the safer way to go. Thanks for the help though.
AnswerWell, sorry about that. Obviously at a disadvantage here
not being able to inspect the work. There is
another veriable here though. If your vehicle is a newer
Caravan, you may be dealing with the factory alarm too.
Now that's another can of worms! But again, not trying
to borrow trouble, but am playing devils advocate here.
But if it is the factory system you will probably need to
have Dodge reset it.
What year is this Van?