Car Alarms: remote start programing & wiring, pontiac trans am, remote start

i have a 95 pontiac trans am ive instaled a manixx SM700 two-way fm w/lcd remotes alarm every thing like doorlokcs,trunk,lights,ignition all worked out good but if i hook up the tach. wire the car will not turn off but will send a grnd to the v.a.t.s. relay but still the thing wont prog. if no tach i get no grnd and still it dosnt try to start the motor can you help befor irip it out!

No I wish I knew what to tell you. Odd that
adding the tach screws it up. I suggest contacting
the guys at Mannix for some trouble shooting
support on it.
For Tech Support : [email protected]
For The General Info. : [email protected]

They should be able to assist in this.

Good luck with it.