Car Alarms: Toyota Camry Factory Keyless Entry, toyota camry, wire colors

I have a '95 Camry LE that does not have keyless entry, however keyless entry on this model was available.  I am wondering if the car comes with all the keyless system except for the remote?  If so, I could just buy a remote and have it programmed.  If this is the case, and I wanted to install an alarm, would there be an alarm that works with the factory keyless entry.  Any help is much appreciated.

  No telling that you would have the keyless module installed, but it is doubtfull. Your best bet, and
the least expensive since
this is an very easy vehicle to install in, my suggestion
is to save money, get an aftermarket alarm/keyless
system for under 70. bucks, and put it in yourself.

You only have 8 wires to deal with.
parking lights
door trigger
and the door lock and unlock (easy in this car)
starter kill (optional)
which are easily accessable.
They are all up under the dash and on
the drivers side.
And of course, the placement for the
siren/LED and valet switch. easy stuff really.

If you like, I can outfit you with all that
you would need to complete this. Including
the correct wire colors/locations and polarities
for the 95 Camry to make it a sinch.

Let me know.

[email protected]