Car Alarms: Remote Starter auto-unlock, remote car starters, ford taurus

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Question -
   I recently bought a Commando remote starter, and am going to install it on a 1996 Ford Taurus.
   I have noticed that without the remote starter installed, the drivers door does not lock whenever the car is running and doors are attempted to be locked by factory supplied remote. Or even by hand inside car.
    I believe this happens because it notices the key in the ignition and it is trying to prevent lockout.(has keyless entry anyways, so this feature is not needed!)  
   Will the transponder type bypass kit prevent the door from unlocking by itself, or does some other function of remote car starters prevent this?  
   Otherwise, it would be pretty risky to remotely start your car out in a parking lot and have the door unlock along with it!
Answer -
I have sent this question to the head tech at
Commando so he can give you an informed answer.
When I receive his response ([email protected])
I will forward it on to you.

Please be patient.


I have not gotten any answer from Commando at all.
Not that it surprises me, but never the less,
as far as I know, the lock out feature is not bypassable.
Transmod hos no effect on the locking systems in cars,
so that's not at issue, but of course to
do remotestart in this vehicle,
you do need to bypass the IMMOBILIZER
(TRANSMOD) in the ignition column.

I suggest calling them at
1 800 780-1409 ext 200 (chris)
and ask him directly.
Chris is the owner of
Commando Car Alarms, and will be glad to
assist you during business hours.
(10 to 6 mon-fri est.)

Good luck with it,