Questionmy mbz 300e factory alarm is failing now. Can i
have somebody else to install a regular alarm using by pass connection and will not harm the
electrical connection plus I'd like to have it
installed for a keyless entry. Is it possible ?
What would be the best alarm you can recommend ?
Is it ok to buy alarm from the net and have it
installed by a local shop just to save some money. Thanks
AnswerNo the installer would need to do an alarm from scratch and
skip using anything connected to the factory system.
If it were me, I would install either the Scytek 3000 Plus
system or, the Micro 8008. Both are installer friendly,
and would do a great job on this car. If looking for
something a bit higher end, look at the Galaxy 5000 RSW 2 way, or the Ultrastart 4500AXR (see all of the suggested systems at .
A decent installer will
be able to do any of these system very nicely
for your car.
Have a good day.