Car Alarms: Installing new remote, toyota corolla, posibly

I have 1999 Toyota Corolla and i lost remote to alarm system so i had to buy new one. i got one from friend but i don't have instructions how to programm it. It is universal remote Auto Mate RPN 476A with 4 buttons. Can You tell me procedure to programm it?
Thank You

Check under the dash for a valet switch, posibly to the
left foot area. Have the remote (s) ready, then turn on the key,
press the valet 5 times. Once your alarm responds,
press the lock button, on the remote (s) then key off,

That should program the new remote (s)
to the Automate, if the remotes
are from the same series.

If not, then you can try to see if
they can provide some assistance.

Good luck with it.