Car Alarms: tach learning, national anthum, remote start

I have a audiovox aps-996c remote start alarm
that I have installed on my 1981 chev blzr.
I have gotten everything to work except the
remote start in the install manual it says that
if you use the remote to start the car and the lights flash 7 times the tach has not been learned.
Okay well for whatever reason I can't get it to learn I have followed the directions to allow the
alarm to learn. It says the lights will begin to flash once the unit sences the tach rate I sit there with the engine running and it never happends. I have the purple with wite stripe wire connected to the tach side of my coil the same wire my tachometer is connected to and it works fine.
Can you help? Is there something I'm missing?  

Well, you can spin around 3 times, hop up and down
on one foot, and sing the National anthum at the same time before this unit will work in THIS YEAR truck.
Without fuel injection in the truck, a remote starter

Without fuel inj. , there is no gas in the system to start the engine, and the aps 996 know's it.

Sorry, but without a carborator kit that pumps gas
to the carb during remote start, you may as well
pack it in. Sorry, but that's the truth of the matter.

Good luck.