Car Stereos: Multiple storage media player, car stereos, stereo shop

Hello Justin,

I'd like to install a sound equipment that can play CD, and other storage media like USB drives, memory cards, etc. If it would allow me to connect external devices which play music like an MP3 player connected via USB port or other it would be awesome... I'm just clueless if such a device exists. Would you please recommend? Thanks in advance.



Hi Rick,

Absolutely!  Many (most?) car stereos today play CDs, CDs with MP3s, have a USB hookup for MP3 players and flash drives, and many also have SD/MicroSD slots for MP3s too.

I can't recommend one because there's literally hundreds.

Go visit your local car stereo shop, and tell them what you want .. they'll be able to point you towards the right device for your needs.

(I would recommend a mom & pop shop, and not Best Buy or anyone like that because they generally have no idea what they're talking about, and will just sell you the one that gets them the best commission.)
