Car Stereos: amp, wire fire, light rings

I have two sony xplode 12" subs in a ported banpass box with light rings around the speakers. I need to know the process to have the lights work with the bass and I need to purchase an amplifier. Which would be best for my application. I have a 2006 honda civic ex so no RCA jacks need to use high overpass I think. Also, I must have some issue with wiring the remote on to the amp.....the remote wire can be connected to the battery itself like the power wire right? I cannot access the back of my deck easily or at all to my knowledge.

Hi Jason,

OK, there appears to be three questions here, so I'll answer them separately.

#1: Make the light go with the bass -- to do this, you'll need to buy another device that does that.  Check your local car stereo shop and/or surplus store; they'll be able to point out what you need.

#2: What the best amp for your application is.  I can't reasonably answer that.  There are literally hundreds (perhaps even thousands) of possibilities.  And without the specs on the subwoofers themselves, I can't even tell you what you're looking for as far as mathematics goes (wattage, ohms, etc.)

#3: Can you connect the remote wire to the battery?  Yes and no.  Yes it will work, but no, you don't want to do that.  For two reasons.  #1: The wire going straight from the battery would have to be fused.  While the remote lead on your amp doesn't draw a lot of power, should that wire find itself grounded/corroded, I'd hate to see < 1ohm of resistance from a multi-hundred cranking amp 12V battery going straight to ground through a tiny wire.  Fire hazard!  That, and it would cause your amplifier to be on at all times, draining your battery when the car is off.  I would recommend instead, getting a line out converter.  Many of those comes with remote wire leads so you can use it to turn on the amp too (and you're not limited to amplifiers with high level inputs.)
