Car Stereos: sony bt2700, power cables, s programming

I have a Sony bt2700 it is a great deck my only problem is when i press the bluetooth button to sync my phone, the connection is not permanent, once in a while the screen refreshes and drops the bluetooth connection, so i have to press again the button to re-sync my phone. i check all the connections and also switched the memory and power cables and still randomly refreshes the screen and drops the bluetooth connetion.

Hi David,

Unfortunately, Bluetooth is one of those things that still doesn't work 100% in a lot of cases.

The first thing I'd try would be to get a friend's phone and see if it does the same thing -- you might find that the issue is in fact the phone and not the deck.

Unfortunately, that's about all the advice I can offer because it could very well be a software error in the deck's programming that you'd find is the case on every single bt2700, or your phone with bt2700 combo, etc.

My deck has an issue where after a phone call with android phones, it will lose its connection to the phone, and then immediately get it back.  It's just something I have to deal with.
