Car Stereos: pac swi-jack install, using a digital multimeter, infinity speakers
Questioni have successfully installed my new clarion receiver and infinity speakers into my 2008 chevy impala, now the trick is to install the pac swi-jack to preserve the steering wheel controls. i have located the bcm and see the green plug i need to connect into, but i cannot get to it. how do i get to this location? what parts of the dash do i need to remove and how?
thanx dude
AnswerHi Eric,
Unfortunately, I haven't installed a steering wheel control interface into a newer Impala yet, so I don't know the wiring layout.
You should be able to find the wire you need in the bundle that runs up into the steering column. To do this, you'll need to remove the knee panel under the driver's side dash, and you may also need to disassemble the steering column shroud. You can test for the correct wire using a digital multimeter. A steering wheel control wire will show voltage whenever the key is turned on, and the voltage will change as you press the various control buttons. The wire color should be the same at the steering column as at the BCM location.
Sorry I can't be more helpful!