Car Stereos: about subwoffers, watts rms, mono amplifier

hay my question is I have 8 15" kickers (CompVR Aluminized)and I want to know whats the best amp or set of amp that i can conect so I can get the best loudest sound im trying to see what amp(s) to buy thank you for considering my question?


Sorry about the long delay in answering your question.

Considering that the minimum recommended box volume for a single 15" CompVR is 1.8 cubic feet, you're going to need quite a bit of space to fit eight of them into one vehicle.  If you're looking for the maximum output, the type of enclosure you use will be at least as important as the amplifier you choose to drive them.  

Each 4-ohm DVC sub is rated for up to 500 watts RMS.  If you combine them all to a single mono amplifier, you'll want to look for a 1-ohm stable amp, rated between 3000 to 4000 watts RMS at 1 ohm.  Personally, I'd probably split the load between two amplifiers.  A pair of Kicker ZX1500.1 amplifiers should be a good match, using four subs with each amplifier.

Hope this helps!
