Car Stereos: ford sync system, line output converters, sync system

I have a2009 f 250 and I want to add amp and speakers but dont want to change the factory unit because of the sync system witch I like also heard that the speakers are used to operate the sync system is that true. Iknow about line out connverters will this work with sync system. the oem radio is a 6 disk mp3 with usb.

Hi Lee,

Sorry about the delay in answering this question.

You shouldn't have any problem using line output converters to install an after-market amp and speakers with your Sync head unit.  By the time the audio signal reaches the speaker outputs, all the Sync processing has been completed; it will work the same whether the audio signal is sent to the factory speakers, or sent to a line output converter.  Systems like yours are the reason line output converters are popular.

Hope this helps!
