Car Stereos: low to high converters, bass tube, actuallity

Quick question. Every needs a high to low converter for hooking amps to factory stereos. I need to reverse that. I have a deh-p2500?(flip-face from pioneer) and I recently installed an american pro-1471? equalizer to it. I used the stereos low level outs to the eq's input. In all actuallity it sounds nice, however,I also have a pyle bass tube(dont laugh). The bass tube only comes with high level inputs. So, if I want to utilize the sub controls on the equalizer, I have to find out how to convert from low level to high. Any ideas?

Hi JR,

The purpose of low-level is to transfer audio signal to an amplifier to amplify and send out the signal.

The purpose of a high-level is to transfer the actual amplified signal to a device to make the sound.

Your Pyle tube only taking high-level sounds like a horrible design flaw.

That said, the only way you can reasonably get high-level output is through an amplifier.

If you want control over the sub through the eq, you're going to need to put an amplifier in the middle.  Otherwise, you're best to run the high-level output off the deck straight to the sub, and skip having any EQ control over it.