Car Stereos: NEED AMP TO POWER 2 12 MTX 7500 SINGLE VOICE COIL?, watts rms, apples to apples

Hello Brian,
My name is Aaron and I need to get a amp for my 2 mtx 7500's. I have checked out ebay and looked at the mtx amps but I am not sure if I should go with the same brand as the subs, (I heard that somewhere). I guess what I am asking is I want the subs to pound and I am not sure what amp will do the job without overdoing the subs. I hope you can help me out and I thank you in advance.


Hi Aaron,

There's really no advantage or disadvantage to picking an amplifier that's the same brand as the subs.  A matched MTX amplifier should work as well as any, but you don't have to limit yourself to that brand.  

When you have two 4-ohm, single voice coil subwoofers, your best option is to use a mono amplifier to drive them.  When you wire the two subs to the amp, the combined impedance at the speaker terminals will be 2 ohms.  That means you'll want to look at the 2-ohm power rating of the amplifier, and remember that the power will be divided evenly between the subs.

Your subs are rated for 400 watts RMS each, so if you purchase an amplifier rated at 800 watts RMS at 2 ohms, you'll be able to get the maximum rated power output for each sub.  In fact, they should work well with any amplifier rated between about 500 watts and 800 watts RMS at 2 ohms.  If you decide to stick with an MTX amplifier, then the TC8001 or TC6001 should work very well.

When looking at amps, I'd ignore "peak" or "max" power ratings, and look only at the RMS ratings. Also, try to stick with amplifiers that use the CEA-2006 standard for rating the power.  This helps ensure that you're comparing apples to apples when choosing an amp.

To get the most from your subs, make sure you buy or build an enclosure that matches the manufacturer's recommendations.

Hope this helps!
