Car Stereos: Amp Wont Get out of Diagnosis, multitester, lightining

Hi, i have an amp and a capicator, the capicator is working fine lightining up ect. the ground is good and there's a wire comming from the capicator to the amp, and from the battery to the capicator. The amp is also grounded, to the chasis mind you, also secure to the capicator, but it won't come out of diagnosis the amp. i don't know what to do. I've done the ground like a million times, sanded the paint and everything. Im trully out of options please help thank you so much for your time.

Ian,  It is kind of a step-by-step check up.  First, are the amp and capacitor grounded separately?  They should not be grounded together.  Second, is there a fuse within a foot of the battery?  Third, is there sufficient power coming to the capacitor (you need a multitester to check this)?  Fourth, is there sufficient power coming from the capacitor to the amp?  Fifth, Is there a short between the power and grounds (need to check ohms with multimeter)?  Put positive of tester on power wire, then put negative on ground wire.  If the meter goes to zero, there is no worry.  If the meter shows a connection, then there is a short between the power wire and the ground.  Either the power wire is touching the amp case, or there is a short inside the amp.  If there is no connection in ohms, then move to step six.  Sixth, is power supplied to amp turn on connection?  Seventh, are audio inputs connected properly?  Eighth, are output wires connected properly to speakers?  That means, no bare wires or wires touching grounds, and it also means that ohm rating of system is not lower than amp is capable of.  If these are all checked, you should check all fuses in amp.  If everything checks out, then amp may have internal problem.  I know this is alittle drawn out, but it is the easiest way to find a problem.  Hope this helps, Scott