Car Stereos: Speaker impedance difference, internal amplifier, speaker impedance


I have just ordered a new system for my 06 sierra crew cab from Crutchfeld.  I was looking over my order and saw the 2 different sets of speakers have different impedance. one is 2 ohms and the other is 4. how bad is this and do I need to call them in the morning to change out one set of speakers?

Thank You,

Hi John,

It's not really an issue, provided you're connecting them to a multi-channel amplifier that's capable of working with a 2-ohm load.  For example, if you have a 4-channel amplifier that's 2-ohm stable (most are), then you'd use two channels for the 2-ohm speakers and two channels for the 4-ohm speakers.  The amplifier would produce more power for the 2-ohm set than the 4-ohm, but that's not really an issue because you can adjust the amp's gain controls to balance the sound, if needed.

However, if you're just running the speakers from a head unit, you'll want to stick with 4-ohm speakers all around.  A head unit's internal amplifier isn't designed to be 2-ohm stable.  

Hope this helps!
