QuestionQUESTION: can you tell me what NavM, TelM, S.I and col Sync mean i see it on my Kenwood DPX-MP4070
ANSWER: Hi Kamar,
It took me a bit to track this down. Looks like you're going through the deck's settings menu.
"NavM" and "TelM" are used when you're using a separate hands-free car phone kit, or a Kenwood voice-guided navigation system. If you activate these functions, the system will mute the audio output when you receive a navigation voice prompt (NavM) or receive a phone call through the hands-free car kit (TelM). If you don't have a hands-free kit or navigation system, then the setting on these functions doesn't matter.
"S.I." stands for Security Indicator. Turning this feature on or off just determines whether there will be a blinking red light on the front of the head unit when the car is turned off.
"Col Sync" will make the head unit change the display color when you're adjusting the volume, or when the audio is muted. "Col Fix" keeps the display at the same color all the time.
You can find a PDF version of the DPX-MP4070's owner's manual at this link:
Hope this helps!
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hi Brian i got another question for you on mr Car Stereo it says i can play MP3's but when i put a MP3 CD in, it just playing one track and not audio you think you could help me out? a step by step on how to make it work...
I'm afraid I don't have a good answer for this question; I personally don't do any MP3 burning and I haven't run into the problem you're having. I'd suggest looking over the "notes on playing MP3/WMA" section on page 8 of the owner's manual I linked in the first answer; if that doesn't help, you can try contacting Kenwood's tech support department directly through this link:
Sorry I can't be more helpful!