Questioni have 2 cars with the original cassette and i want to change the head unit on them .i would like some one expert to explain to me how to connect it.i'm trying to connect a head unit Sony explod to my 1999 grand Cherokee ,i connect all the colors to what it match with it but still not working ,in the new unit i have only one place for all the wires so i bought the connection the car to the unit,and connect them but still not working i don't know why? please auld you help me.thanks
What exactly is the problem that you're having with the new head unit?
If the new deck isn't powering up at all, then you may have a blown fuse somewhere in the vehicle's fuse box. It's very common for fuses to be blown when you're wiring a new head unit. Remember that there are always at least two fuses in the vehicle's fuse box that supply power to the radio; one is for constant power, and one's the switched power supply.
If the deck is powering up, but you're not getting any sound, you may have to activate the factory amplifier. Most Grand Cherokees come with the Chrysler Infinity sound system, which includes an amplifier under the rear seat. When installing a new head unit, you need to make sure to connect the new deck's blue/white remote output to the factory amp activation wire. This will usually be a blue wire in the adapter harness.
If you'd like to follow up with the exact problem you're having in the two vehicles, I'll try to give you more specific advice.
Hope this helps!