Car Stereos: sending sound into the cabin, voice coils, port hole

QUESTION: i have three mtx 7500 12" subs rated at 400rms each. they are single 4ohm voice coils. i would like to hook them up to a hifonics bxi2610d whick is 850wattsx1@4ohms 1700wattsx1@2ohms and 2600wattsx1@1ohm. what is the best way to wire the subs series or parallel?

Thanks for all the right info.  I do not have to look it all up.  Wiring in parallel lowers your impedance, and wiring in series raises it.  If your subs could handle 2600 watts, you may want to wire in parallel.  Since your subs are 400 rms watts, you should be wiring in series.  That will raise your impedance to 12 ohms, and your amp's output will be about 300 watts.  Series wiring means going from amp to positive of first sub.  Then from negative of first sub to positive of second sub. Then from negative of second sub to positive of third sub.  Then from negative of third sub to negative of amp.  Hope this helps, Scott

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks for the answer to my last question. i have a luxury car and the seat doesnt fold down. i would like most of the bass to be in the cabin but i dont know how to direct the bass in that direction. i have seen the same car on cardomain he had a port hole cut out behind the armrest which folds out of the rear seat. would that help? i also have seen a sub enclosure which had the ports on top of the box instead of the front. would that help by sending it up through the rear deck? and if this helped would i turn the subs with the magnets facing out of the box?

Good ideas.  You are on the right track getting the sound into the cabin.  Bass is omni-directional, so you do need a hole, but you do not need a directional feed for it.  The best places are behind the armrest or in the rear deck.  Most times, I recommend the rear deck.  You can cut a hole in the metal and leave the fabric looking like stock.  You can face the ports upward to the hole(s), but it is not necessary.  And I would leave the subs facing outward, with magnets inside.  It is much cleaner looking and there is very few reasons to turn them around.  I am happy to help.  Good Luck, Scott