Car Stereos: Awia No Sound, aiwa cdc, good speakers
QuestionI have a Aiwa CDC-X217YU bought used. I am trying to install it into a 96 Grand Prix. It turns on and everything seems to work except the sound. Nothing is going throught the speakers. When you turn the vloume up the lights flash. What am I doing wrong or has the Theft protection been tripped?
AnswerHi Craig,
At first glance at this, my gut tells me that the deck has some blown outputs. I would recommend you test it on the bench with known good speakers and a decent 12 volt power supply (charged up car battery will do). If it works on the bench but not in the car, then it's likely your car has an amplifier in it that's not being powered up. If it doesn't work on your bench, then the outputs are likely pooched and you'll have to take it to your local repair shop for some TLC. Make sure you have them quote the repair might not be worth repairing.