Car Stereos: amp n subs, ohm voice coils, 1000 watt amp
Questionwill a sony 1000 watt amp xm-1652z run 2 dvc 800 rms subs and what is the best way to wire them?thx.
AnswerIf your subs have 4 ohm voice coils, each sub would be wired parallel to lower the ohms per sub to 2 ohms. Then, wire from one sub to the other in series, which is negative of one sub to positive of other sub, then back to amp. This will bring the ohms back up to 4 ohms. At one channel into 4 ohm load, the amp puts out 400 watts rms. Although you could use a larger amp to maximize the subs, 400 watts is more than enough power for listening. Actually, I can not stand to be in a car that has any more than 300 watts rms cranked up. It just makes your head pound and ears ring. Most cars that drive by and you can hear their subs are playing at less than 300 watts rms. If they were playing any higher, they would need earplugs or something to keep from getting headaches. So, to answer your question, that amp will power those subs just fine. Hope this helps, Scott