Car Stereos: monsoon audio system /2003 Hyundai Santa Fe, hyundai santa fe, blown fuse

The cd player won't play. I can hear it trying to move and change cds, but it seems to be stuck somehow. Also, it won't eject my cds. The radio still works. This happened on a day when it was only 6 degrees. Could it be frozen? Or maybe a fuse is bad? My 5 year warranty on all the little stuff just expired. Please help!!!! Thanks

Hi Myleea,

Sorry, but I don't have any easy fix for you.  The fact that you're hearing the mechanism trying to work means that the problem is internal to the CD player.  It's definitely not caused by a blown fuse.

It's possible that the problem was originally caused by frozen or stiff moving parts during the low temperatures, but if it hasn't started working again once the vehicle is warmed up, then something must be broken or jammed in the loading mechanism.  Unfortunately, very few places will do internal repairs on OEM CD players.  Even the dealer would probably just sell you a replacement radio unit.

You can try re-setting the system by disconnecting your vehicle's negative battery terminal for a few minutes.  It's possible that this will get it working again, but it's not very likely.  It costs nothing to try it, though.

If that doesn't work, you might try searching eBay for a replacement factory head unit.  There are usually several available for a fraction of the price you'd pay at the dealer.  You could also replace it with an after-market head unit, using the appropriate adapter harness and mounting kit, but you won't find many in-dash 6-disk changers in the after-market.

Sorry I can't be more helpful!
