Car Stereos: dvd for 2009 dodge journey, composite video signal, rca cables
Questionmy journey has the 6 disk dvd radio but i don't have the overhead video screen what type of wiring connection is used when hooking a screen to it just a factory cable or can someone buy a watermark screen?
AnswerHi Loyd,
There won't be standard RCA-type outputs on the back of the DVD unit. The video and audio signals are among the wires in the factory plugs. The signal type itself is fairly standard; there will be a composite video signal and video return, each with its own wire. There will also be left and right audio signal wires, and a common audio ground wire. You can build your own RCA cables and solder them to the correct wires to supply an after-market video screen.
Unfortunately I couldn't find very specific wiring information, or a pre-built after-market adapter interface. You might be able to purchase a wiring schematic from your dealer's parts department.
A good car audio shop should be able to do the work for you without too much trouble. I think an after-market monitor solution is likely to be a cheaper and more flexible option than adding the OEM equipment, but it will require some custom wiring work. In any event, you're not limited to the factory equipment; an after-market monitor system is definitely possible.
Good luck!