QuestionQUESTION: I want to know whats wrong with my wires and the proper precautions to take to fix it. My deck wont power up when i hook it up ( panasonic deck ) I think the power and ground might have touched causing a short circuit or whatever.. but anyways there is no power whatso ever in that area ( car stereo ) are my wires fried? or what
ANSWER: Hi Aaron,
If the power and ground touched, the most likely scenario is that you blew a fuse. Check the fuse panel in your car and find the one that's used for radio. (Sometimes it shares a fuse with interior lighting/clock too). Pull it out and see if it's fried. If so, replace it, and be careful not to let the 12V touch ground.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I checked the radio/cd player fuse which also has the cig lighter and clock and it is not blown..what could it be?
AnswerMake sure you properly check the use using a multimeter or a fuse tester, since they can LOOK OK, but not actually be OK at all. Also, some cars have TWO fuse panels. One under the hood, and one in the passenger compartment. Make sure you check both.
Finally, if those check out, and the hookups look OK, you'll need to get a multimeter, and test the wires at the harness to see if they have power. If they do, then your deck might be fried. If they don't, work your way back to the factory harness, and then the car's wiring to see where the disconnect is.