Car Stereos: Brake lights staying on, brake fluid reservoir, brake light switch

I have a 1997 Toyota Corolla that the brake lights stay on. I replaced the brake light switch and made sure a lights are operational. Could there be a pressure problem? Any suggestions?

Hi Dave,

You seem to have posted this question in the wrong section; this is the car stereo section. :)

That being said, the parking brake light staying on despite the lever and light being properly operational is usually a warning that you're low on brake fluid.  This usually doesn't mean you have a leak, but instead, your brakes are quite worn and the pistons have travelled quite far to keep the caliper in adjustment.  I'd suggest topping up the brake fluid reservoir with some DOT 3 or DOT 4 (BUT NOT DOT 5!) fluid, and taking your car into a mechanic for a brake inspection (many shops will do a quick inspection for free to let you know how far off you are from needing a brake job.)u

Good luck,