Car Stereos: Amplifiers shut off and wont come back on., chevy pick ups, watts rms

Right now I'm using two amplifiers. I've got a 4 channel for my speakers and a 2 channel I bridge to my subs. The total power is about 700 watts RMS.

I was playing my music at a reasonable volume when I got a phone call, I press the button on the deck that makes the into change to AUX. After I talking on the phone for a minute I tired switching back over to the CD input. All I heard was the tweeters I have wired the the speaker outputs from my deck.

I checked the fuse near the battery, it's fine.

I noticed that the turn on lead wire was frayed and look like to could have touched metal. At this point I thought I shorted or a circuit inside the head unit.

For the sake of trouble shooting, I ran some speaker wire from the deck to the speaker level input on my 4 channel amplifier. The amp turned back on for a few minutes until I turned it up more than half way which caused it to shut off while the music was playing. I turned the deck off and on with no luck.

So, what seemed like a simple turn on lead wire problem might be a amplifier problem as well. Anyway, I has wondering if you could help me before I spend money having someone take a look.


Hi Joe.

Looks like an internal short on the amps. but there is a lot of work involved to be able to determine this, what i would do  if i was you its to start by checking the amps, take them off your vehicle and have them bench tested if the amps read OK then you know that the problem must be on the wiring, thats the only way to troubleshoot something like that you got to narrow down the possibilities, overall check all your wiring first, make sure your ground its making a good contact with bare metal, and check your power wire and remote also, make sure everything its ok, before going any further, sometimes like on the chevy pick ups they have this clips on the side panels, that when you run the wires trhough the sides and put the panels back on you can smash them causing the wire to break and short out, check all the panel clips and make sure this didnt happen, like i said this is gonna be a little hard to resolve but im pretty sure we can solve your problem if we work together.

