Car Stereos: grand cherokee stereo, alpine cd players, jeep stereo

QUESTION: hi i have a 1997/98 grand cherokee with a standard chrysler head unit and would like to know what multichanger will fit it thanks
ANSWER: Hey Steve -

My first thought would be to tell you to call your Jeep dealer and see what they have to offer.  

Typically in the past, Alpine cd players fit chrysler head units, sometimes pioneer or kenwood.  Without looking at the plug in person it would be hard to tell.

If you don't want to get your changer through Jeep (and you might not want to because of $$$) then your best bet is to go to an install shop, have them look at the plug on the back of your radio, and depending on how many pins the changer plug has, they will probably have an adapter for you.

Since the digital age of ipods, changers are getting harder and harder to find and companies are making less adapters for them.  

You can still find them though.  I'd go to your local Circuit City, Best Buy or other "big brand" installer and have them take a look.  Most will do it for free.

Of course, there's always the FM Modulator route.  If you can't find anyone that carries your changer or don't want to pay the big bucks, get a changer with an FM modulator and you can put it on any car stereo.  

Hope that helps!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: not being to clued up in this area what is a fm modulator thanks steve

Hi Steve -

An FM Modulator works like this:

They install a CD changer into your car.  Instead of connecting the changer directly to your head unit (Jeep stereo) they connect the FM modulator to the antenna slot behind your head unit.  

They then install a little screen somewhere on your dashboard.  A good installer can make it look like it came with your car.  You turn on your radio and set it to station that has no broadcast.  The FM modulator will send the signal through the antenna and your radio will think it's picking up a radio station.  You control the functions of the changer like fast forward, play, etc,  through that little screen.

My explanation might sound complicated but really, it's quite simple and it works like a charm.  When you're ready to buy a changer, ask about the FM modulator.

Also, don't get sold into some "bells and whistles" changers.  Most of the changers on the market are just fine as long as you stick with a brand name you've heard of before.

If you have brand questions, let me know.

