Car Stereos: CD Jammed, needle nose pliers, everyday occurance
QuestionEvery time I try to eject this one CD from my stereo, the statussays EJECT but the cd doesn't come out. Is there a way I can manually take the cd out?
Answerhi james,
you did no specify if you have a factory or aftermarket stereo. sometimes you can manually pry out the CD that is stuck. a small screwdriver or needle nose pliers can do the trick; i do not recommend this if you are not familiar with electronics.
did anything ever get jammed into the CD player? i have a 2.5 yr old that love sticking things EVERYWHERE.....putting 2 CDs in at the same time is an everyday occurance....
you also stated that 1 CD...does every other CD eject just fine? if so, once you get the disc in question out, inspect it for cracks or splits that may be getting caught up on the play/eject mechanism inside the stereo....
i always recommend the universal resetting of electronics by disconnecting the + and/or - battery cable for about 1 minute....
keep me posted....