Questioni am very talented and i think i can beat Kimi Raikonen with a f1 car
what i have to do to race in formula 1 because i dont have much money.
can they testing me how fast i am?
i now all f1 tracks and some other tracks.
help me please
I hate to bear bad news. but it takes years and years of professional racing experience in Europe to even get the attention of the F1 teams. You must first race in the lower formulae to be seen and "discovered" and it costs a good US$ 5,000,000.00 to follow that career path.
If you have little money and no experience, there is no chance of your getting a test day. I'm sorry, but these are the facts of life. We can only wish it were another way. You should know that most Formula One drivers come from fabulously wealthy families.
Stay in school. get an engineering degree in Automotove Engineering, go to England and look for work in the F-1 shops (most of them are in England) and maybe you will get lucky enough to meet the right people. Your chances though of becoming a Foromula one driver are vary vary small.
Still, I wish you every good fortune
Dan Liddy
Sarasota, Florida USA