Auto Racing: fuel, chevy blazer, harmful emissions

QUESTION: Hi Mat...I love this site but there are very few experts on auto repair/parts etc....I know your expertise is in racing but your bio sounded like you have alot knowledge in all areas of autos...If you cannot answer this it is ok but please give it a shot...I live in Baja Mexico and i have a 1988 Chevy Blazer that i got from my aunt...It has a brand new motor and has had a complete overhaul...But, i have had a problem with power and chocking...So i had someone change the fuel filter, (that didnt help) and then yesterday we changed the fuel pump....It runs alot better but still sputters every now and then...well my question is my exhaust smells funny...Kindof like a cross between fuel and nast egg salad or something...!  Do you have any ideas?  I would appreciate any advise...

ANSWER: Hey Tracie, I'll do my best to answer this question.

The nasty smell coming from the exhaust, as you have described it, sounds like a catalytic converter (known commonly as a cat).  Basically something that reduces the harmful emissions from the engine.  Now its unlikely for me that a car built in 88 would have a cat so would probably have been fitted during the overhaul.  Now my little knowledge of cats tells me that if the engine is running to rich (burning to much fuel) then the cat doesn't work properly and can choke the engine.  Maybe the engine you have is set up like an 88 chevy blazer should be but not as like for use with a cat , if that makes sense ?!!!

So you can try removing the cat which will be located 3/4 of the way down the tail pipe probably just before the silencer and replacing it, for now, with a bit of straight pipe.  If the engine feels alot better with none of the problems you described the there lies your problem.  Also if possible try leaning of the mixture a little to see if that helps.  You can see if it is over fueling by looking at the spark plugs.  If there black and sooty then your running to rich.

Hope this help and let me know how you get on.....


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: for the quick response...I thought that might be the problem however, i would have thought that my check engine light would have come on...?  And, i just had i smogged 2 weeks ago..But i had a dodge that ran really poopy (kind of like the chevy) and that was the problem...It justs didnt have any get up and go and after a while just would not go at all...So it probably couldnt hurt to have it removed anyways right?  It wont affect my gas mileage or anything right...?  It cant start fire without it right?

The check engine light would only come on if the lambda sensor (if it has one) fails through over fueling.

And sorry i have no idea what you mean by "had i smogged" ????!!!!!!!!

And yes the engine will run fine without it, less restriction in the exhaust will equal more BHP.  The only downside would be ( providing that the engine is running correctly in both with and without catalytic converter) is that you would use slightly more fuel.  No worry of starting a fire either !!

Yeah quick reply cos i just got home from work and yours was an intersting question i wanted to try and answer right away !!