Auto Racing: Valve Clearance, e mail address, valve clearance
Questionhow does valve clearance affects engine performance??what if we increase/decrease valve clearance.....what will happen to engine performance?????how do we know that the valve clearance that we have given to an engine is right????
AnswerAll clearances in an engine are a at least partially there to make room for heat related expansion.
Sorry, I have no graphic presentations of the answer I sent. I'd suggest you print out my answer, and then study a cylinder head , valve/rocker assembly, and try to visualize what happens when all that stuff collides with a piston at say- - -7500 RPM- -- Trust me, it ain't pretty !!
Please send me a follow up question or your e-mail address and I'll try to get a bit more info from a real pro engine builder close by (used to do Winston Cup motors.)