QuestionWhich race had the fewest cars start?
AnswerWell there were 7 different races that started 12 cars:
Date; Site; Winner; Car
Aug. 29, 1953; Hickory, N.C.; Fonty Flock; '53 Hudson
Aug. 3, 1956; Oklahoma City; Jim Paschal; '56 Mercury
May 24, 1959; Nashville, Tenn.; Rex White; '59 Chevrolet
April 23, 1961; Richmond, Va.; Richard Petty; '60 Plymouth
May 1, 1964; Savannah, Ga.; LeeRoy Yarbrough; '63 Plymouth
Aug. 7, 1964; Myrtle Beach, S.C.; David Pearson; '64 Dodge
Oct. 9, 1964; Savannah, Ga.; Ned Jarrett; '64 Ford
Six of the seven races were 100 miles on half-mile dirt tracks. Only the 1959 race was on a paved oval.