NASCAR Racing: MIKE HELTON, mike helton, track on fire

Why is he such a pusssy? He won't let you  know his email so you can't ask him direct questions!!!! For example, MY BIGGEST COMPLAINT IS THE LUCKY DOG GAY RULE!!!!!! They used to race to the flag to get thier lap back but with the lucky dog rule only the 1st car 1 lap down gets the free is that fair????? It should be the 1st car behind the leader. Plus his reasning behind restrictor plate racing was "SAFETY"............BS!!!!!!!!!!!! STRICTLY FOR THE BIG 1........EN TERTAINMENT. I have ALOT MORE but that should scratch the surface.

Hi Robert,

  As much as i would love to agree with you and say that change is needed, i can't.  First, if Helton gave his email out to the public, he would recieve a billion emails a day from fans telling him anywhere from "i love nascar" to "nascar is gay." He doesnt need that kind of hassle. I can see his reasoning behind that one.
  As for your version of the lucky dog rule, i don't know what u mean when u say "first car behind the leader."  Are you speaking about second place? Or is it the first car behind the leader no matter how many laps down he is?  They have this rule in place due to the 2001 (?) race at New Hampshire when Dale Jarrett got spun and was stuck in the middle of the race track on fire while all the other cars missed him just to race back to the yellow.  That was just dangerous.  So they implemented the new rules system, which you are obviously familiar with.  The reason they don't let anyone but the first car one lap down have the free pass is that the guy who is 42 laps down...probably isn't going to have a good shot at winning because his car must be pretty messed up to get 42 laps down.  However, cars 1 lap down may have the winning car and just had some misfortune happen like a cut tire, or pitting when the yellow flag is coming out.  They actually still had a chance.
  And as for the restrictor plates, Earnhardt could have gone without them...but very few others could have.  Without the restrictor plates the old cars (not the COT) could have exceeded 225 mph.  That's about 20 mph more than what they did.  When you turn left at that high rate of speed...(physics lesson)  a force called centrifugal force wants to keep u going straight because of the way the world turns.  So the drivers would just launch themselves into the wall if they went unrestricted.  Although that would be cool to see if anyone could handle that...
  You are right about the entertainment factor though.  The restrictor plates cause the cars to separate into "drafting packs" and those produce some pretty good wrecks.
  Hope i helped.  If you need any clarification on this please ask again!
  Coy Jordan