NASCAR Racing: H.B. Bailey #36 Firebird, tiny lund, herb adams
QuestionI've seen pictures on the web of magazine pages when he ran this car against Herb Adams and others. Do you know what issues (month/year) they might be. I can send examples
AnswerDon't know what magazine you are talking about. I did find a Grand National East program with a picture of the car on the cover. The Grand National East Division began in 1971 when NASCAR decide to make 3 divisions; Winston Cup Grand National, Grand National East and Grand National West. The GN East and West divisions ran in races of 150 miles or less and all cars from the past 4 years in Grand National and Grand American were permitted. Some of the big name stars in the Grand American/GN East included Tiny Lund and Buck Baker in 1972.
If you want a scanned copy of the program cover I have send me an email to
[email protected] and I'll email you one.