NASCAR Racing: nascar fees, daytona beach fl, nascar racer

QUESTION: My ultimate aim is to be a NASCAR racer,but i have no idea about its fees (yearly) or which is the main schools..etc...

ANSWER: See previous answer. Contact NASCAR for the yearly license fee at

And at the site: Customer Service or Contact Information

OR their email address [email protected] or [email protected].

NASCAR's mailing address is:
1801 W. International Speed Blvd
Daytona Beach, FL, 32114
(386) 253-0611
(386) 253-8804

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: can you please help me to know some thing about the nascar fees (yearly)to study full corse and about the sponsersetccc

NASCAR does not have a "school" that you can do courses on. If you are looking for mechanic schools do a search under "NASCAR mechanic school" on the internet and check with them on fees. If you are looking for a driving school, well, again, you need to start small on local race tracks and work your way up. Nobody walks up to a team and says "I want to drive in NASCAR...teach me."