Question I live in Norway and I am member of an AM-Car club here. One of our members owns a 1956 Pontiac that probably has taken part in Nascar racing from -56 to -58. It still has nr.82 and sponsornames painted on it. The driver was supposed to be "Bob McKensie" Is there any way to confirm if there was such a driver at that time? He was probably killed after joining the army (Vietnam?).
If you want to, I can send photos of it.
It would be nice if you could help as the owner is quiet and a bit shy and it would be lifting him miles from the ground if he really owns a genuine Nascar-racer.
Yours Steinar Danielsson, Vice-president of US-car-club of Buskerud.
AnswerHi Steinar,
I am terribly sorry that i cant help you any further than this, but i cannot verify that either the driver or the car actually raced nascar. If you want you can see if it was in another racing league, (late models,sprinter,etc)
My main site,, does not list him.
Sorry i couldn't be of more help!
Coy Jordan