NASCAR Racing: people at nasscar, good ol boys, population percentage

i don,t mean anything by it ,nor do i know if you can answer this question.but when i watch nasscar. i feel left out .there is not one brother.or sister in the whole programe. why of all the people there i cant see none of us at nasscar.are they not wanted or allowed.or is this a one set of people thing i feel bad about. just tring to understand.why i am shock.i watch each week .

I think this all goes back to the roots of NASCAR being a "Southern" sport for "Good Ol' Boys". I can remember to a time in 1982 when Dale Earnhardt had the only black working in the garage on his team. There are now many more (sorry I can't give you an exact number) working in the garage but I'm sure the percentage does not come close to matching the population percentage. There does not seem to be many black drivers in any racing association so there aren't that many available to move into a NASCAR ride. Why this is...I have no idea, they're just not out there.
As for in the stands, there are many black fans to be found. Sorry that I can't give you any more definitive answer. I am not a sociologist.