NASCAR Racing: what do u think the most popular sport is, nascar racetracks, information technology class
QuestionGood day,
name is Jenny and I am working on a project for my Information Technology class. I was hoping that you might help me. My research question is: What is the most popular sport?” Part of my research involves finding experts on the Internet. I would really appreciate you answering a few questions for me. I will take the information you provide me, compare it with what others have said and with other research findings, make some conclusions about my question, and then create a Web site.
You need to be aware that I may be using any information you provide me on my Web site, but that I will keep your name confidential. My Web site should be published by the middle of January and will be available on our school Web site (
Here are my questions:
· What do you think is the most popular sport is
· Why do you think it is the most popular sport
My email address is
[email protected] thank you so much for taking the time to help me with my research.
A note from my teacher:
Please know that by helping this student you will be helping with research and not doing the student's homework for him or her. I have structured this project to include research by emailing experts. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at
[email protected]
Avi LuxenburgMy
AnswerI really do think NASCAR is the most popular sport because the seating at a lot of the NASCAR racetracks rival most of the sport stadiums and arenas across the country. It is only second behind in the NFL as far as TV ratings and advertising is concerned. Also, a lot of NASCAR drivers are making more and more public appearances on TV, radio, and the Internet even. I hope that helps! :)