QuestionHi Tony
My car is out of warranty and I recently had it serviced by an ex BMW Mechanic. I asked him about an intermittent engine vibration that comes and goes. But now it seems to be getting worse.
He initially told me that it may be an injector malfuntion causing the vibration.
I would like to know the following:
1. If not an injector, what else can it be?
2. If an injector, how can I determine which one it is or;
3. Do I need to take it to a specialist worshop that can investigate the injectors?
4. How can I fix this problem without buying a brand new injector from the manufacturer (i.e. what is a cost effective solution to solve this problem?
I also have an additional question.
The Auxiliry heater (that uses the exhaust fumes to heat up quickly while the engine is still cold) also does not seem to work.
How do I go about fixing, repairing or replacing this?
I guess I need the steps for determining and fixing the problem
kind regards
Henge Rautenbach
South Africa
AnswerSorry not an expert on that subject but you can take it to BMW and pay for 1 hours diagnosis only.
They have a policy of doing this and they will have the correct up to date information and service bulletins.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help.