QuestionQUESTION: My temperature gauge is not working. New thermostat .... but
ANSWER: Could really use a bit more information mate.
How does run? does it overheat while driving as well?
Did you bleed the thermostat after installation?
Any oil in the water or water in the oil? the ete engine is known for easily cracking the cylinder head under the camshaft.
Have you pressure tested it?
Provide these answers and we will go from there.
Tony Fox
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I do not know if it is actually overheating or not. My coolant
level is full but just a short while into running the engine
the coolant light comes on. And My temperature gauge does not
register anything.
AnswerTake the bleed screw completely out of the thermostat and fill the engine till you see coolant coming out of bleed screw hole.You may need to unblock the hole with something like a paper clip, but it MUST have coolant coming out of there, run the engine for a while with it out then put it back in, you will get sprayed .
Take the wire off the temperature sending unit, not the blue one, the other one located on the thermostat housing ,ground that wire to the engine and turn on the key, it should peg the gauge to read hot.
If that works then you probably have an air lock that the bleeding procedure will take care of.
The coolant level sensors are terrible and fail often, take it out and see if the white float is still there, if not replace it.
Good luck and let me know how you get on.