QuestionMy BMW 3 series has locked itself,the key isnt working and the barrel on the drivers side appears to be broken and I cannot access my car. How can I get into my car? Your help would be much appreciated.
Answerwould people submitting questions PLEASE give us enough info to work with as in model, year and the last 7 digits of the chassis number.
Back to your question, it SOUNDS like an e30 with mechanical deadlock on the drivers key that electronically deadlocks the other doors/ boot.
IF the drivers lock has turned 90 degrees(horizontal) its in deadlock.
If so, make sure you have a spare key first.
Spray a lot of wd40 into the key hole on the drivers door.
Now for the fun part, put a mole grip on the key and with gradually increasing pressure turn it to the open position rocking it a bit maybe.
Should work, if its not an e30 try putting the key in the pass door,lift the handle then turn the key.
hope that helps