BMW Repair: 530i Battery Drain within half an hour, electronic meters, sleep mode

I have a 2001 530I the battery run down in about half an hour after stopping. this car do not sleep I have tried the power drain test but nothings shows up about a week ago the car began to sleep for 4 days and then the problem with the power drain start again also when I park this car if I leave the indicator switch on then the indicator light on the outside of the car will stay on. What can cause this problem.

These are time consuming to track down.

Sounds like you know the use of electronic meters, and are familiar with the BMW sleep mode.

The best approach is to put a meter between the battery and the cable, looking for a drain.  When you see it, disconnect the main wiring to half the car.  When you determine which half has the problem, take that half and half it again.

I recently worked on an e38 (740) with a similar problem.  Wound up being the courtesy light on the back of the front passenger door.

Keep breaking it down into smaller sections, and you'll eventually find it.

Good luck!