BMW Repair: 87 325e, oil leaks, drive shaft
QuestionHello Don hope you have a little insight. I have a 87 325e with 149000 miles. I just bought the car not to long ago and it runs good but not great. Let me put in a little history. This is my 3rd BMW I have had a 87 325 before but it had 325000 miles and a 94 525i so these are what I am comparing this on to. Anyway back to the issue. The car has surges of power when you try to accelerate quickly. It seems to not be such an issue once you get past 3000 rpm's. If you accelerate slowly you would never notice it has a problem. Any ideas? It also seems to have a vibration in the drive shaft from 25-30. Again any ideas? Thanks for any insight that you can give me.
AnswerChecking the basics is the first step.Fuel pressure,is it correct?The cap/rotor,plugs.All vaccum lines,any oil leaks,compression,valve adjustment.If all theses are correct it is possible that the computer is having issues.I saw it once before and replacing the DME cured the problem.The vibration maybe the guibo disc,check it for cracks.