BMW Repair: opening the trunk with a dead battery, blower motor resistor, jumper box
QuestionQUESTION: Hi Nathan,
My battery died in my '98 BMW 318i. The battery is located in the trunk. There is no manual trunk release and both the trunk release on the key and central locking system won't work without the battery. To complicate things further, the key entry in the trunk is jammed to the point the key won't fit in. What are your thoughts on how I can get my car going?
Appreciate the help,
ANSWER: Open hood and either hook up a jumper box on the jumper points under the hood or hook up jumper cables to the car under the hood on the jumper points. The Positive jumper point will have a red plus symbol on it and you can hook up the negative (black) on the strut tower or on the negative jumper point. now that your vehicle has power you should be able to unlock trunk and open it to change the battery. hope this helps. Nathan
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks. That worked. I have another question now... I have recently replaced both the battery and the alternator and my battery is still dead every morning. Do you have any idea what is draining the battery. From what I can tell everything that can be turned off (lights, stereo, doors shut) is.
Appreciate the help,
AnswerYoure car goes to sleep in 15 minuet intervals if a component is bad or you have a short in a wire the car will never completley shut down and go into sleep mode (it takes 1 hour for the car to shut down) Alot of things could be causing this, trye letting the car sit and listening for anything staying on...blower motor auxillary motor. The thing i most commonly see is the blower motor resistor.... this could be a tricky problem to find and you may need a digital amp meter to go any further