BMW Repair: central lock malfunction, independent bmw, bmw service

hello. i bought a 1995 bmw 318i and it's absolutely great. there's just one problem. the previous owner recently replaced the battery on it and upon hooking it back up, i guess the central locking system permanently locked all of the doors except for the passenger side and the trunk. now i have to get in and out of the car through the passenger door. any idea on what's going on or what it might be?

I would first try disconnecting both the positive battery cable and the negative cables from the battery and touch them together for about 30 seconds. then try the locks again if that does not work there is a chance that they connected the battery backwards for a second and did some damage to the ZKE/General module. I think if that is the case i would find a good Independent BMW service shop to look at it.  hope this helps Nathan