BMW Repair: BMW 323i Trunk Wont Open from Inside of Car, bmw 323i, bmw dealer

On my 2000 BMW 323i, I accidentally left my master key in the trunk when I closed it and all car doors were locked too. I don't have a spare key. I was able to open a car door with a slim jim. When I pulled the handle on the left side of the foot well (which opens both the hood and trunk), only the hood opens but not the trunk. There is no separate button to open the trunk. I tried pushing the Central Locking System button (by the stick shift handle), it was just not functioning suddenly. Were this "not functional" now due to some anti-theft security stuff that was triggered when I opened the car door with a slim jim?  How do I get access to the trunk from the backseat of the car so I can retrieve my master key?

June, Several options here. First let me tell you that the hood release handle in the footwell will never open the trunk. The trunk release switch just to the left of the hood release handle will open the trunk if you have one. The early cars did not have one and you can have it retrofited with a kit. Second always have a spare key, (you know that now). Bring your License and BMW registration and purchase a Wallet key or a full Master key at the BMW dealer (usually $150 USD). Remote function will not work until key is initialized but use it in the outside door lock. You should be able to push the central lock button and pull on the inner door handle twice. Alarm should have sounded. If the car is dead (no battery voltage you can power it up with jumper or charger via the under hood charging posts. Then retry the central lock button. Central lock/hazard button is $40 USD at the dealer and pulls straight up to remove it. Also you could try to jump the body controller at the connector for the trunk lock actuator but I cant look up the wiring diagram currently on this computer. Removal of the rear seat and backrest will not get you into the trunk as the back is metal.